Monday 5 December 2011

Exercise 5: Revision

1. Facebook is highly regarded as one of the best success stories in e-commerce.

a) What form of e-commerce does fall into? (4 Marks)

b) What are the SIX (6) elements of its e-commerce business model? (6 Marks)

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Exercise 4: Revision

E-Commerce has expanded into new boundaries and has forever changed the many ways businesses are conducted. Nevertheless, while certain new frontiers like m-commerce are definitely opening up new possibilities, certain basic principles of business like payment systems hardly change.

a. Payment for small amounts in e-commerce (let's say less than RM10) can be a problem as credit and debit cards are restrictive in their approval until certain required level of price to be paid is fulfilled. E-micropayment helps to solve this problem. What are the different micropayment models that are available? (5 Marks)

b. Identify and briefly describe FIVE(5) attributes of m-commerce. (5 Marks)

Monday 14 November 2011

Additional Class!

Dear fellow students,

We will have an additional class as follows:

Date: 18/11/2011 (This coming Friday)
Time: 2.15-3.45pm (1.5 hours only)
Room: West E

Thanks with regards,

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Internet Exercise: Chapter 3

Dear fellow students,

Pls answer the Internet exercise for chapter 3( during this mid-semester break as question had been posted since 9th Oct 2011 .

Ty & "Slmt Hari Raya Haji".

Thursday 27 October 2011

BDB2033 QUIZ 1

Date: 1st November 2011 (Tuesday)
Time: 9-10am (8-10am >> Normal class)
Room: West E

i) 10 MCQs (Chapter 1-2)
ii) 1 Short answer question (Discuss why EC competition is extremely intense)

Total marks: 10%

Enjoy your revision! :)

Sunday 9 October 2011

Steve in 60 seconds...

Gadget that dazzled us...

Want to know the latest gadget that dazzled us?

Click on it:

Internet Exercise: Chapter 3

1. Visit and prepare a customized order for a piece of clothing. Describe the process. Do you think this will result in better-fitting clothing? Do you think this personalization feature will lead to greater sales volume for Land's End?

Monday 3 October 2011

Internet Exercise: Chapter 2

1. Enter pages and investigate the use of "eBay Mobile." Review one of the wireless devices and find out how they work.

Internet Exercise: Chapter 1

1. Visit and identify the services the company provides to its customers. What type of EC is this? What business model(s) does Bigboxx use?